পশ্চিমবঙ্গ সরকার
Islampur Police District
Dear Citizens, Welcome to the official website of Islampur Police District. This is a step to build a bridge between public and police at large in Islampur Police District. Our objective is to provide an easy and quick platform for the public to reach the Islampur police to voice their grievances, to offer suggestions and to seek police services. This platform will help in building an interactive relationship between the police and the public in preventing the crime along with winning the confidence and trust of the people of Islampur police district. Islampur Police District shall ensure the Rule of Law, enforce the law of the land impartially and firmly without fear or favour, and strive to create a fear free environment that is conducive to growth and development. We will remain committed to maintaining public order, preventing and detecting crime, maintaining and promoting communal harmony, ensuring a smooth flow of traffic, and taking strong action against organised crime, anti-social / illicit activities / elements. We will serve and protect all; particularly the downtrodden, the weak, women, minorities, senior citizen's, slums dwellers, the poor & other marginalized sections of society. We shall provide prompt & compassionate response to every call of citizen's in distress. Our objective is to make our locality a safer and better place to live and we will work for this in partnership with the common people. I call upon all the visitors to this site to derive greatest value from the services offered through our website. Please also spare time to give your constructive feedback in improving our services to the people. Islampur Police District remains committed to provide transparent, responsive, just and people friendly policing. We are ever committed to provide a safe and secure environment to all the people of Islampur Police District.
Shri Joby Thomas K, IPS
Superintendent of Police
Islampur Police District